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Aura (妖気(ようき) Yoki) is a form of energy used throughout the series. It is primarily used by Yo-kai, but starting in Yo-kai Watch 4, human Watchers can also use it.


There are many cases where Aura is used, but the primary methods of it are used to sense Yo-kai before seeing them with the Yo-kai Watch. It is also revealed in Yo-kai Watch 4 that Yo-ki Power (妖気(ようき)パワー Yoki Pawa; AKA YP) is the source of Aura. In Yo-kai Watch 4, YP is consumed in order to use moves in battle, but you can also send YP to allies as a Watcher. Due to Watchers being human, their YP is drawn from the Yo-kai Watch. They can also form weapons, such as swords, maces, or otherwise, using the Yo-kai Watch. Furthermore, the Soul Meter is an accumulation of Aura built up during battling, which can then be let loose with a Soultimate Move.

In Yo-kai Watch Blasters, Auras can have various effects, ranging from dealing more damage to a boss, to securing a First Prize after clearing a Mission. In Yo-kai Watch 3, Treasure Aura (T妖気(トレジャーようき) Treasure Yoki) is introduced. These can be bought from Li'l Yora in exchange for Ghastly Fragments. They can either open up new Dungeons or give you beneficial effects depending on the Aura, whether in Blasters T or in the overworld. In Yo-kai Watch Busters 2, this is generally preserved, except that every Aura now has two effects you must choose from: Opening a Dungeon or providing an additional effect for a specific Dungeon, or providing an additional effect. However, you can only have one effect option, so if you choose to go for the Aura Dungeon, you do not get the additional effect from the Aura. Whereas if you choose not to go for the specified Dungeon, you don't get to enter that specific Dungeon and/or receive benefits from the Dungeon it specified.

Game Data

The following section will list Aura details for various games. If the exact boost has been discovered, it will be listed below the description, otherwise, it will remain with just the description.


Yo-kai Watch Blasters

Aura Effect Price
Friend Finder (ともだち確定(かくてい)オーラ) The first Yo-kai you defeat in a Mission will definitely become your friend.

Makes the first enemy you defeat trigger a Friend Chance.

Sure Jackpot (大当(おおあ)たり確定(かくてい)オーラ) Mission treasure will be a jackpot for the next cleared Mission.

After clearing a Mission, the clear reward will be in the First Prize tier.

Explosive Big (爆裂(ばくれつ)グレート()オーラ) Instant Great Change at the beginning of the Mission.

Great Change is activated when starting a Mission.

Ninja Mode (存在感(そんざいかん)なさすぎオーラ) Start in Secrecy at the beginning of the Mission.

Secrecy is activated when starting a Mission.

XL Oni Orbs (特盛(とくも)鬼玉(おにだま)オーラ) Oni Orbs x10 for ones collected by yourself.

Collected Oni Orbs are worth 10x more than normal.

Popularity (モテ期到来(きとうらい)オーラ) Yo-kai are more likely to become friends. 150
Items Blessed (アイテムの(めぐ)みオーラ) Lots of Battle items available during the Mission.

1.5x higher chance of getting Battle Items.

Extra Oni Orbs (大盛(おおも)鬼玉(おにだま)オーラ) Oni Orbs x3 for ones collected by yourself.

Collected Oni Orbs are worth 3x more than normal.

Demuncher x1.5 Damage Boost VS Oni

1.5x boost to damage against all Gargaros, Ogralus, and Orcanos Modes.

Defeat Demuncher
Super Demuncher x1.7 Damage Boost VS Oni

1.7x boost to damage against all Gargaros, Ogralus, and Orcanos Modes.

Defeat Super Demuncher
Ultra Demuncher x2 Damage Boost VS Oni

2x boost to damage against all Gargaros, Ogralus, and Orcanos Modes.

Defeat Ultra Demuncher
Wobblewok x1.5 Damage Boost VS Kabuking

1.5x boost to damage against all Kabuking Modes.

Defeat Wobblewok
Super Wobblewok x1.7 Damage Boost VS Kabuking

1.7x boost to damage against all Kabuking Modes.

Defeat Super Wobblewok
Ultra Wobblewok x2 Damage Boost VS Kabuking

2x boost to damage against all Kabuking Modes.

Defeat Ultra Wobblewok
McKraken x1.5 Damage Boost VS Dame Dedtime

1.5x boost to damage against all Dame Dedtime Modes.

Defeat McKraken
Super McKraken x1.7 Damage Boost VS Dame Dedtime

1.7x boost to damage against all Dame Dedtime Modes.

Defeat Super McKraken
Ultra McKraken x2 Damage Boost VS Dame Dedtime

2x boost to damage against all Dame Dedtime Modes.

Defeat Ultra McKraken
Glitzy Bones x1.5 Damage Boost VS Demuncher

1.5x boost to damage against all Demuncher Modes.

Defeat Glitzy Bones
Super Glitzy Bones x1.7 Damage Boost VS Demuncher

1.7x boost to damage against all Demuncher Modes.

Defeat Super Glitzy Bones
Ultra Glitzy Bones x2 Damage Boost VS Demuncher

2x boost to damage against all Demuncher Modes.

Defeat Ultra Glitzy Bones
Kat Kraydel x1.5 Damage Boost VS Wobblewok

1.5x boost to damage against all Wobblewok Modes.

Defeat Kat Kraydel
Super Kat Kraydel x1.7 Damage Boost VS Wobblewok

1.7x boost to damage against all Wobblewok Modes.

Defeat Super Kat Kraydel
Ultra Kat Kraydel x2 Damage Boost VS Wobblewok

2x boost to damage against all Wobblewok Modes.

Defeat Ultra Kat Kraydel
Dame Dedtime x1.5 Damage Boost VS McKraken

1.5x boost to damage against all McKraken Modes.

Defeat Dame Dedtime
Super Dame Dedtime x1.7 Damage Boost VS McKraken

1.7x boost to damage against all McKraken Modes.

Defeat Super Dame Dedtime
Ultra Dame Dedtime x2 Damage Boost VS McKraken

2x boost to damage against all McKraken Modes.

Defeat Ultra Dame Dedtime
Kabuking x1.5 Damage Boost VS Kat Kraydel

1.5x boost to damage against all Kat Kraydel Modes.

Defeat Kabuking
Super Kabuking x1.7 Damage Boost VS Kat Kraydel

1.7x boost to damage against all Kat Kraydel Modes.

Defeat Super Kabuking
Ultra Kabuking x2 Damage Boost VS Kat Kraydel

2x boost to damage against all Kat Kraydel Modes.

Defeat Ultra Kabuking
Rubeus J x1.5 Damage Boost VS Hardy Hound

1.5x boost to damage against all Hardy Hound Modes.

Defeat Rubeus J
Super Rubeus J x1.7 Damage Boost VS Hardy Hound

1.7x boost to damage against all Hardy Hound Modes.

Defeat Super Rubeus J
Ultra Rubeus J x2 Damage Boost VS Hardy Hound

2x boost to damage against all Hardy Hound Modes.

Defeat Ultra Rubeus J
Hardy Hound x1.5 Damage Boost VS Rubeus J

1.5x boost to damage against all Rubeus J Modes.

Defeat Hardy Hound
Super Hardy Hound x1.7 Damage Boost VS Rubeus J

1.7x boost to damage against all Rubeus J Modes.

Defeat Super Hardy Hound
Ultra Hardy Hound x2 Damage Boost VS Rubeus J

2x boost to damage against all Rubeus J Modes.

Defeat Ultra Hardy Hound
Mass Mutterer x1.5 Damage Boost VS Tattleterror

1.5x boost to damage against all Tattleterror Modes.

Defeat Mass Mutterer
Super Mass Mutterer x1.7 Damage Boost VS Tattleterror

1.7x boost to damage against all Tattleterror Modes.

Defeat Super Mass Mutterer
Ultra Mass Mutterer x2 Damage Boost VS Tattleterror

2x boost to damage against all Tattleterror Modes.

Defeat Ultra Mass Mutterer
Tattleterror x1.5 Damage Boost VS Mass Mutterer

1.5x boost to damage against all Mass Mutterer Modes.

Defeat Tattleterror
Super Tattleterror x1.7 Damage Boost VS Mass Mutterer

1.7x boost to damage against all Mass Mutterer Modes.

Defeat Super Tattleterror
Ultra Tattleterror x2 Damage Boost VS Mass Mutterer

2x boost to damage against all Mass Mutterer Modes.

Defeat Ultra Tattleterror
Whisped Cream x1.5 Damage Boost VS Robonyan 28

1.5x boost to damage against all Robonyan 28 Modes.

Defeat Whisped Cream
Super Whisped Cream x1.7 Damage Boost VS Robonyan 28

1.7x boost to damage against all Robonyan 28 Modes.

Defeat Super Whisped Cream
Ultra Whisped Cream x2 Damage Boost VS Robonyan 28

2x boost to damage against all Robonyan 28 Modes.

Defeat Ultra Whisped Cream
Robonyan 28 x1.5 Damage Boost VS Whisped Cream

1.5x boost to damage against all Whisped Cream Modes.

Defeat Robonyan 28
Super Robonyan 28 x1.7 Damage Boost VS Whisped Cream

1.7x boost to damage against all Whisped Cream Modes.

Defeat Super Robonyan 28
Ultra Robonyan 28 x2 Damage Boost VS Whisped Cream

2x boost to damage against all Whisped Cream Modes.

Defeat Ultra Robonyan 28
Hinozall x1.5 Damage VS Swirlious Omai & Red Paws

1.5x boost to damage against all Swirlious Omai and Red Paws Modes.

Defeat Hinozall
Super Hinozall x1.7 Damage VS Swirlious Omai & Red Paws

1.7x boost to damage against all Swirlious Omai and Red Paws Modes.

Defeat Super Hinozall
Ultra Hinozall x2 Damage VS Swirlious Omai & Red Paws

2x boost to damage against all Swirlious Omai and Red Paws Modes.

Defeat Ultra Hinozall
Swirlious Omai

Red Paws

x1.5 Damage Boost VS Hinozall

1.5x boost to damage against all Hinozall Modes.

Defeat Swirlious Omai

Defeat Red Paws

Super Swirlious Omai

Super Red Paws

x1.7 Damage Boost VS Hinozall

1.7x boost to damage against all Hinozall Modes.

Defeat Super Swirlious Omai

Defeat Super Red Paws

Ultra Swirlious Omai

Ultra Red Paws

x2 Damage Boost VS Hinozall

2x boost to damage against all Hinozall Modes.

Defeat Ultra Swirlious Omai

Defeat Ultra Red Paws

Orcanos x1.5 Damage Boost VS Gutsy Bones Bosses

1.5x boost to damage against all Gutsy Bones, Goldy Bones, and Glitzy Bones Modes.

Defeat Orcanos
Super Orcanos x1.7 Damage Boost VS Gutsy Bones Bosses

1.7x boost to damage against all Gutsy Bones, Goldy Bones, and Glitzy Bones Modes.

Defeat Super Orcanos
Ultra Orcanos x2 Damage Boost VS Gutsy Bones Bosses

2x boost to damage against all Gutsy Bones, Goldy Bones, and Glitzy Bones Modes.

Defeat Ultra Orcanos
Captain Thunder x1.5 Damage Boost VS Robonyan Bosses

1.5x boost to damage against all Robonyan 28 and Robonyan 3000 Modes.

Defeat Captain Thunder
Super Captain Thunder x1.7 Damage Boost VS Robonyan Bosses

1.7x boost to damage against all Robonyan 28 and Robonyan 3000 Modes.

Defeat Super Captain Thunder
Ultra Captain Thunder x2 Damage Boost VS Robonyan Bosses

2x boost to damage against all Robonyan 28 and Robonyan 3000 Modes.

Defeat Ultra Captain Thunder
Robonyan 3000 x1.5 Damage Boost VS Captain Thunder

1.5x boost to damage against all Captain Thunder Modes.

Defeat Robonyan 3000
Super Robonyan 3000 x1.7 Damage Boost VS Captain Thunder

1.7x boost to damage against all Captain Thunder Modes.

Defeat Super Robonyan 3000
Ultra Robonyan 3000 x2 Damage Boost VS Captain Thunder

2x boost to damage against all Captain Thunder Modes.

Defeat Ultra Robonyan 3000
Golden Claws

Swirlious Gold

x1.5 Damage Boost VS Hinozall Bosses

1.5x boost to damage against all Hinozall and Hinozall Awoken Modes.

Defeat Golden Claws

Defeat Swirlious Gold

Super Golden Claws

Super Swirlious Gold

x1.7 Damage Boost VS Hinozall Bosses

1.7x boost to damage against all Hinozall and Hinozall Awoken Modes.

Defeat Super Golden Claws

Defeat Super Swirlious Gold

Ultra Golden Claws

Ultra Swirlious Gold

x2 Damage Boost VS Hinozall Bosses

2x boost to damage against all Hinozall and Hinozall Awoken Modes.

Defeat Ultra Golden Claws

Defeat Ultra Swirlious Gold

Hinozall Awoken x1.5 Damage VS Swirlious Omai & Red Paws Bosses

1.5x boost to damage against all Swirlious Omai, Red Paws, Swirlious Gold, and Golden Claws Modes.

Defeat Hinozall Awoken
Super Hinozall Awoken x1.7 Damage VS Swirlious Omai & Red Paws Bosses

1.7x boost to damage against all Swirlious Omai, Red Paws, Swirlious Gold, and Golden Claws Modes.

Defeat Super Hinozall Awoken
Ultra Hinozall Awoken x2 Damage VS Swirlious Omai & Red Paws Bosses

2x boost to damage against all Swirlious Omai, Red Paws, Swirlious Gold, and Golden Claws Modes.

Defeat Ultra Hinozall Awoken
Zazel x1.5 Damage Boost VS Shogun King

1.5x boost to damage against all Shogun King Modes.

Defeat Zazel
Super Zazel x1.7 Damage Boost VS Shogun King

1.7x boost to damage against all Shogun King Modes.

Defeat Super Zazel
Ultra Zazel x2 Damage Boost VS Shogun King

2x boost to damage against all Shogun King Modes.

Defeat Ultra Zazel
Shogun King x1.5 Damage VS Zazel

1.5x boost to damage against all Zazel Modes.

Defeat Shogun King
Super Shogun King x1.7 Damage VS Zazel

1.7x boost to damage against all Zazel Modes.

Defeat Super Shogun King
Ultra Shogun King x2 Damage VS Zazel

2x boost to damage against all Zazel Modes.

Defeat Ultra Shogun King

Treasure Auras

Yo-kai Watch 3

Aura Effect (Overworld) Duration Effect (Blasters T) Price
Burning (しゃくねつ) Fight Bishamonten -:--:-- Opens "Burning Labyrinth" 01
Blazing ((ごく)・しゃくねつ) Fight serious Bishamonten -:--:-- Opens "Blazing Labyrinth" 03
Tidal (あらなみ) Fight Ebisu -:--:-- Opens "Tidal Labyrinth" 01
Whirlpool ((ごく)・あらなみ) Fight serious Ebisu -:--:-- Opens "Whirlpool Labyrinth" 03
Lightning (いなずま) Fight Benzaiten -:--:-- Opens "Lightning Labyrinth" 01
Storm ((ごく)・いなずま) Fight serious Benzaiten -:--:-- Opens "Storm Labyrinth" 03
Gale (つむじかぜ) Fight Hotei -:--:-- Opens "Gale Labyrinth" 01
Whirlwind ((ごく)・つむじかぜ) Fight serious Hotei -:--:-- Opens "Whirlwind Labyrinth" 03
Sandstorm (すなあらし) Fight Daikokuten -:--:-- Opens "Sandstorm Labyrinth" 01
Tornado ((ごく)・すなあらし) Fight serious Daikokuten -:--:-- Opens "Tornado Labyrinth" 03
Shining (ひかり) Fight Fukurokuju -:--:-- Opens "Shining Labyrinth" 03
Heavenly ((ごく)・ひかり) Fight serious Fukurokuju -:--:-- Opens "Heavenly Labyrinth" 05
Darkness (やみ) Fight Jurojin -:--:-- Opens "Limbo Labyrinth" 01
Abyss ((ごく)・やみ) Fight serious Jurojin -:--:-- Opens "Wretched Labyrinth" 02
Enma (えんま) Befriend prob. ↑ (especially Enma) 0:30:00 Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑ 01
Enma EX ((ごく)・えんま) Befriend prob. ↑ (especially Enma) 1:00:00 Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑↑ 03
Blizzaria (ふぶき) EXP received after battle ↑ 0:30:00 Opens "Snowstorm Labyrinth" 01
Blizzaria EX ((ごく)・ふぶき) EXP received after battle ↑ 1:00:00 Opens "Blizzard Labyrinth" 03
Golden (おうごん) Money received after battle ↑↑ 0:30:00 Prob. to find Clu-T-fact in chest ↑

2x higher chance to find Clu-T-facts in chests

Golden EX ((ごく)・おうごん) Money received after battle ↑↑ 1:00:00 Prob. to find Clu-T-fact in chest ↑↑

3.5x higher chance to find Clu-T-facts in chests

Moonlight (げっこう) EXP received after battle ↑↑ 0:30:00 EXP for clearing Dungeons ↑

2x more EXP after clearing a Dungeon

Howling ((ごく)・げっこう) EXP received after battle ↑↑ 1:00:00 EXP for clearing Dungeons ↑↑

3.5x more EXP after clearing a Dungeon

Bada-Bing! (ゴッド) Godly boost to STR 0:30:00 STR ↑↑↑

1.3x boost to STR

Bada-BLING! ((ごく)・ゴッド) Godly boost to STR 1:00:00 Godly boost to STR

1.7x boost to STR

Evil (サタン) Mega boost to SPR 0:30:00 SPR ↑↑↑

1.3x boost to SPR

Inferno ((ごく)・サタン) Mega boost to SPR 1:00:00 Mega boost to SPR

1.7x boost to SPR

Sushi (すし) EXP received after battle ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 EXP for clearing Dungeons ↑↑

3.5x more EXP after clearing a Dungeon

Special Sushi (特上(とくじょう)・すし) EXP received after battle ↑↑↑ 1:00:00 EXP for clearing Dungeons ↑↑↑

4x more EXP after clearing a Dungeon

Tempura (てんぷら) Money received after battle ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 HP ↑

1.3x boost to HP

Special Tempura (特上(とくじょう)・てんぷら) Money received after battle ↑↑↑ 1:00:00 HP ↑↑

1.8x boost to HP

Mischief (いたずら) Activates Zombie Night/Terror Time 0:30:00 Makes traps visible

Makes all traps visible on the map

Trickster ((ごく)・いたずら) Activates Zombie Night/Terror Time 1:00:00 Makes traps and chests visible

Makes all traps and chests visible on the map

Echo (やまびこ) Infinite stamina 0:30:00 Infinite stamina

Gain infinite stamina

Reverberation ((ごく)・やまびこ) Infinite stamina 1:00:00 Infinite stamina and SPD ↑

Gain infinite stamina 1.1x boost to SPD

Festival (おまつり) Prob. of finding Sighborg Y ↑ 0:30:00 Prob. of Sighborg Y in Dungeons ↑

1.5x higher chance of Sighborg Y appearing in Dungeons

Grand Festival ((ごく)・おまつり) Prob. of finding Sighborg Y ↑ 1:00:00 Prob. Sighborg Y in dungeons ↑↑

2.3x higher chance of Sighborg Y appearing in Dungeons

Porous (けあな) Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 1st chest is 100% a Clu-T-fact

Clu-T-fact obtained from first chest opened

Extreme Porous ((ごく)・けあな) Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑↑↑ 1:00:00 1st & 2nd chest is 100% a Clu-T-fact

Clu-T-fact obtained from first and second chest opened

Fortune (だいきち) BBQ Crank-a-Kai 1st Prize chance ↑ 0:30:00 Prob. to find Clu-T-fact in chest ↑↑

3.5x higher chance to find Clu-T-facts in chests

Great Fortune ((ごく)・だいきち) BBQ Crank-a-Kai 1st Prize chance ↑ 1:00:00 Prob. to find Clu-T-fact in chest ↑↑↑

4x higher chance to find Clu-T-facts in chests

Smile (スマイル) HP rapidly recovers 0:30:00 HP steadily recovers 01
Beaming ((ごく)・スマイル) HP rapidly recovers 1:00:00 HP rapidly recovers 02
Cheerful (うきうき) Enemies drop many more items 0:30:00 Enemies drop more items

1.5x higher chance for enemies to drop items

Elation ((ごく)・うきうき) Enemies drop many more items 1:00:00 Enemies drop many more items

3x higher chance for enemies to drop items

Whistle (くちぶえ) Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑↑ 0:30:00 Enemies w. treasure chests ↑

2x higher chance for chest enemies to spawn

Birdsong ((ごく)・くちぶえ) Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑↑ 1:00:00 Enemies w. treasure chests ↑↑↑

3.5x higher chance for chest enemies to spawn

Wealthy (ひほう) All stats ↑↑↑ for Treasure Yo-kai 0:30:00 Treas. Yo-kai prob. ↑ & Icy Snowball

1.05x higher chance to get Treasure Yo-kai from Clu-T-facts

Billionaire ((ごく)・ひほう) All stats ↑↑↑ for Treasure Yo-kai 1:00:00 Treas. Yo-kai prob. ↑↑ & Icy Snowb.

1.1x higher chance to get Treasure Yo-kai from Clu-T-facts

Treasure (おたから) Enemies drop more items 0:30:00 Enemies w. treasure chests ↑

2x higher chance for chest enemies to spawn

Deva Enma ((かみ)えんま) Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑↑ 03
Phoenix (ひのとり) Strengthens Brave tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 Brave tribe ↑, prob. befriend Hinix ↑ 03
Felicitous (くれくれ) Strengthens Charming tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 Charming tr. ↑, befriend Meopatra ↑ 03
Sluggish (ぼける) Strengthens Slippery tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 Slippery tribe ↑, befriend Fitwit ↑ 03
El Dorado (エルドラド) Strengthens Brave tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 Brave tribe ↑, befriend El Dorago ↑ 03
Narcissist (ナルシスト) Strengthens Eerie tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Eerie tribe stats ↑↑↑ 05
Madame (マダム) Strengthens Mysterious tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Mysterious tribe stats ↑↑↑ 05
Stone (ストーン) Strengthens Heartful tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Heartful tribe stats ↑↑↑ 05
Hallowed (だいひほう) Strengthens Mysterious tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Mysterious tribe stats ↑↑↑ 05
Dark Sword (ドエス) Strengthens Shady tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Shady tribe stats ↑↑↑ 02
Sketchy (おおざっぱ) Strengthens Tough tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Tough tribe stats ↑↑↑ 02
Sunplated (あまてらす) Strengthens Charming tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Charming tribe stats ↑↑↑ 02
Showstopper (アンコール) Strengthens Eerie tribe ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Eerie tribe stats ↑↑↑ 02
Legendary (でんせつ) Super boost to STR 0:30:00 STR ↑↑ and HP ↑↑↑

1.5x boost to STR 1.6x boost to HP

Star Spangled (メリケン) DEF ↑↑ and gradually recover HP 0:30:00 Bountiful treasure

3x higher chance for field chests to spawn

3x higher chance for chest enemies to spawn

3.5x higher chance to find Clu-T-facts in chests

Mystery (ミステリー) Super boost to SPR 0:30:00 Bountiful treasure

3x higher chance for field chests to spawn,

3x higher chance for chest enemies to spawn

3.5x higher chance to find Clu-T-facts in chests

Crystal (クリスタル) ATK ↑↑ and DEF ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 Receive the protection of the Crystal 01
Adventurer (ぼうけん) Will make Wisps appear more often 0:30:00 Reveals location of stairs

Makes the stairs visible on the map

Boxing (ガンマン) Attacks will knock back enemies 0:30:00 Befriends the first enemy you defeat

Makes the first enemy you defeat trigger a Friend Chance

Swordsman's (けんごう) Combos possible even in a column 0:30:00 Power of a legendary swordsman 01
Sniper's (ねらいうち) Inspirit will always succeed 0:30:00 Snipe enemies from range 01
Valorous (ゆうき) Ignores good Inspirits when attacking 0:30:00 Impenetrable, self-healing barrier 01
Shadow (シャドウ) Hugely boosts critical damage given 0:30:00 Deploys a barrier while attacking 01
Easygoing (ささやか) Boosts item drops and EXP ↑ 0:30:00 Occasionally receive a Battle Item

1.3x higher chance to receive a Battle Item

Avaricious (よくばり) Item drops ↑, money after battle ↑ 0:30:00 Enemies drop more items

3x higher chance for enemies to drop items

Good Fortune (こううん) Item drops ↑, befriend Yo-kai ↑ 0:30:00 Prob. to find Clu-T-fact in chest ↑↑

3.5x higher chance to find Clu-T-facts in chests

Hunter's (ハンター) Infinite stamina and SPD ↑↑ 0:30:00 Rapid fire with the A Button 01
Sagacious (けんじゃ) Infinite stamina and SPR ↑↑ 0:30:00 Spirit ↑↑↑ and critical rate ↑↑↑

1.3x boost to SPR 1.2x higher chance to deal a critical hit

Heroic (ゆうしゃ) Infinite stamina and STR ↑↑ 0:30:00 Move Meter refill and SPD ↑

1.8x boost to SPD Move Meter refills 1.08x faster

Sighborg (やまだ) All stats ↑↑↑ for Sighborg Y 0:30:00 Extends time limits

Adds 60 seconds to the timer on every floor

Cheeky (おなら) Your Yo-kai cannot be Inspirited 0:30:00 Move Meters charge quicker

Move Meter charges 1.08x faster

Cursed (のろい) Allies' Inspirits will always succeed 0:30:00 Unaffected by bad Inspirits or traps 01
Lordly (てんくう) Does not get Inspirited by enemies 0:30:00 Immune to traps, SPD up to "Fast" 01
Miracle (きせき) Attacks absorb HP 0:30:00 Revives all allies, when all are down

All allies are revived if they're all KO'd once

Terrestrial (だいち) Infinite stamina 0:30:00 ATK ↑↑↑, SPD drops to "Slow" 01
Brave (いさまし) All Brave tribe stats ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Brave tribe stats ↑↑↑

1.7x boost to all stats for the Brave Tribe

Mysterious (ふしぎ) All Mysterious tribe stats ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Mysterious tribe stats ↑↑↑

1.7x boost to all stats for the Mysterious Tribe

Tough (ごーけつ) All Tough tribe stats ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Tough tribe stats ↑↑↑

1.7x boost to all stats for the Tough Tribe

Charming (ぷりちー) All Charming tribe stats ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Charming tribe stats ↑↑↑

1.7x boost to all stats for the Charming Tribe

Heartful (ぽかぽか) All Heartful tribe stats ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Heartful tribe stats ↑↑↑

1.7x boost to all stats for the Heartful Tribe

Shady (うすらかげ) All Shady tribe stats ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Shady tribe stats ↑↑↑

1.7x boost to all stats for the Shady Tribe

Eerie (ぶきみー) All Eerie tribe stats ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Eerie tribe stats ↑↑↑

1.7x boost to all stats for the Eerie Tribe

Slippery (にょろろん) All Slippery tribe stats ↑↑↑ 0:30:00 All Slippery tribe stats ↑↑↑

1.7x boost to all stats for the Slippery Tribe

Power (ちから) STR ↑↑↑ and DEF ↓ 0:30:00 STR ↑↑↑ and DEF ↓

1.3x boost to STR 1.1x decrease to DEF

Knowledge (ちえ) Does not get dealt critical damage 0:30:00 Nullifies attacks from weak elements 01
Auspicious (めでたい) BBQ Crank-a-Kai 1st Prize chance ↑ 0:30:00 Prob. to find Clu-T-fact in chest ↑↑

3.25x higher chance to find Clu-T-facts in chests

Ordinary (へいぼん) Slight boost to all stats 0:30:00 Slight boost to all stats

1.02x boost to all stats


Yo-kai Watch Busters 2

Aura Effect 1 Effect 2 Price
Burning (しゃくねつ) Opens "Burning Labyrinth" Power of Fire moves ↑

1.2x boost to Fire moves

Blazing ((ごく)・しゃくねつ) Opens "Blazing Labyrinth" Power of Fire moves ↑

Damage from Fire moves ↓

1.2x boost to Fire moves

1.3x less damage taken from Fire moves

Tidal (あらなみ) Opens "Tidal Labyrinth" Power of Water moves ↑

1.2x boost to Water moves

Whirlpool ((ごく)・あらなみ) Opens "Whirlpool Labyrinth" Power of Water moves ↑

Damage from Water moves ↓

1.2x boost to Water moves

1.3x less damage taken from Water moves

Lightning (いなずま) Opens "Lightning Labyrinth" Power of Lightning moves ↑

1.2x boost to Lightning moves

Storm ((ごく)・いなずま) Opens "Storm Labyrinth" Power of Lightning moves ↑

Damage from Lightning moves ↓

1.2x boost to Lightning moves

1.3x less damage taken from Lightning moves

Gale (つむじかぜ) Opens "Gale Labyrinth" Power of Wind moves ↑

1.2x boost to Wind moves

Whirlwind ((ごく)・つむじかぜ) Opens "Whirlwind Labyrinth" Power of Wind moves ↑

Damage from Wind moves ↓

1.2x boost to Wind moves

1.3x less damage taken from Wind moves

Sandstorm (すなあらし) Opens "Sandstorm Labyrinth" Power of Earth moves ↑

1.2x boost to Earth moves

Tornado ((ごく)・すなあらし) Opens "Tornado Labyrinth" Power of Earth moves ↑

Damage from Earth moves ↓

1.2x boost to Earth moves

1.3x less damage taken from Earth moves

Shining (ひかり) Opens "Shining Labyrinth" Recovery move restoration ↑

Recovery moves heal 1.3x more HP

Heavenly ((ごく)・ひかり) Opens "Heavenly Labyrinth" Recovery move restoration ↑

Revival speed ↑

Recovery moves heal 1.3x more HP

Darkness (やみ) Opens "Darkness Labyrinth" Power of Drain moves ↑

1.15x boost to Drain moves

Abyss ((ごく)・やみ) Opens "Abyss Labyrinth" Power of Drain moves ↑

Damage from Drain moves ↓

1.15x boost to Drain moves

1.3x less damage taken from Drain moves

Enma (えんま) Opens "Enma Labyrinth" Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑ 01
Enma EX ((ごく)・えんま) Opens "Enma EX Labyrinth" Chance to befriend Yo-kai ↑↑ 03
Blizzaria (ふぶき) Opens "Blizzaria Labyrinth" Power of Ice moves ↑

1.2x boost to Ice moves

Blizzaria EX ((ごく)・ふぶき) Opens "Blizzaria EX Labyrinth" Power of Ice moves ↑

Damage from Ice moves ↓

1.2x boost to Ice moves

1.3x less damage taken from Ice moves

Golden (おうごん) Opens "Golden Labyrinth" Oni Orb/Treasure Jewel drop rate ↑

2x higher chance for Oni Orbs and Treasure Jewels to be dropped by enemies

Golden EX ((ごく)・おうごん) Opens "Golden EX Labyrinth" Oni Orb/Treasure Jewel drop rate ↑↑

2.3x higher chance for Oni Orbs and Treasure Jewels to be dropped by enemies

Moonlight (げっこう) Opens "Moonlight Labyrinth" Crank-a-Kai Coins from chests ↑

1.14x higher chance to get Crank-a-Kai Coins from chests

Howling ((ごく)・げっこう) Opens "Howling Labyrinth" Crank-a-Kai Coins from chests ↑↑

1.42x higher chance to get Crank-a-Kai Coins from chests

Bada-Bing! (ゴッド) Opens "Bada-Bing! Labyrinth" STR ↑

1.44x boost to STR

Bada-BLING! ((ごく)・ゴッド) Opens "Bada-BLING! Labyrinth" STR ↑↑

1.58x boost to STR

Evil (サタン) Opens "Evil Labyrinth" SPR ↑

1.44x boost to SPR

Inferno ((ごく)・サタン) Opens "Inferno Labyrinth" SPR ↑↑

1.58x boost to SPR

Sushi (すし) Opens "Sushi Labyrinth" Armor from chests ↑

1.14x higher chance to get armor from chests

Special Sushi (特上(とくじょう)・すし) Opens "Special Sushi Labyrinth" Armor from chests ↑↑

1.42x higher chance to get armor from chests

Tempura (てんぷら) Opens "Tempura Labyrinth" Weapons from chests ↑

1.14x higher chance to get weapons from chests

Special Tempura (特上(とくじょう)・てんぷら) Opens "Special Tempura Labyrinth" Weapons from chests ↑↑

1.42x higher chance to get weapons from chests

Mischief (いたずら) Opens "Mischief Labyrinth" Makes traps visible

Makes all traps visible on the map

Trickster ((ごく)・いたずら) Opens "Trickster Labyrinth" Makes traps and chests visible

Makes all traps and chests visible on the map

Echo (やまびこ) Opens "Echo Labyrinth" Stamina depletion ↓

Stamina depletes 2.5x slower

Reverberation ((ごく)・やまびこ) Opens "Reverberation Labyrinth" Stamina depletion ↓↓

Stamina depletes 3x slower

Festival (おまつり) Opens "Festival Labyrinth" Time limit during Banquet Room game ↑

Adds 15 seconds to the timer during the Banquet Room minigame

Grand Festival ((ごく)・おまつり) Opens "Grand Festival Labyrinth" Time limit during Banquet Room game ↑↑

Adds 30 seconds to the timer during the Banquet Room minigame

Porous (けあな) Opens "Porous Labyrinth" First chest will have a weapon

Weapon obtained from first chest opened

Ultra Porous ((ごく)・けあな) Opens "Ultra Porous Labyrinth" First 2 chests will have weapons

Weapon obtained from first and second chest opened

Fortune (だいきち) Opens "Fortune Labyrinth" First chest will have armor

Armor obtained from first chest opened

Great Fortune ((ごく)・だいきち) Opens "Great Fortune Labyrinth" First 2 chests will have armor

Armor obtained from first and second chest opened

Smile (スマイル) Opens "Smile Labyrinth" HP steadily recovers 01
Beaming ((ごく)・スマイル) Opens "Beaming Labyrinth" HP rapidly recovers 02
Cheerful (うきうき) Opens "Cheerful Labyrinth" Fusion mat. from Clu-T-facts ↑

1.4x higher chance to get fusion materials from Clu-T-facts

Elation ((ごく)・うきうき) Opens "Elation Labyrinth" Fusion mat. from Clu-T-facts ↑↑

2.3x higher chance to get fusion materials from Clu-T-facts

Whistle (くちぶえ) Opens "Whistle Labyrinth" Enemies drop more items

1.5x higher chance for enemies to drop items

Birdsong ((ごく)・くちぶえ) Opens "Birdsong Labyrinth" Enemies drop many more items

3x higher chance for enemies to drop items

Wealthy (ひほう) Opens "Wealthy Labyrinth" Yo-kai from Clu-T-facts ↑

1.4x higher chance to get Yo-kai from Clu-T-facts

Billionaire ((ごく)・ひほう) Opens "Billionaire Labyrinth" Yo-kai from Clu-T-facts ↑↑

2.3x higher chance to get Yo-kai from Clu-T-facts

Treasure (おたから) Opens "Treasure Labyrinth" Dolls from chests ↑

1.14x higher chance to get Doll items from Clu-T-facts

Deva Enma ((かみ)えんま) Opens "Enma Awk.'s Labyrinth" All Deva Yo-kai stats ↑↑ 20
Phoenix (ひのとり) The Hinix from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get The Hinix from Clu-T-facts

Fighters' STR ↑↑↑

The Hinix sees stairs and can't be trapped

1.90x boost to STR for Fighters

Makes the stairs visible on the map with The Hinix on your team

Can't be hit by traps with The Hinix on your team

Felicitous (くれくれ) Meopatra from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Meopatra from Clu-T-facts

Healers' SPR ↑↑↑

Meopatra sees stairs

1.90x boost to SPR for Healers

Makes the stairs visible on the map with Meopatra on your team

Sluggish (ぼける) Fitwit from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Fitwit from Clu-T-facts

Tanks' DEF ↑↑↑

Fitwit sees stairs

1.90x boost to DEF for Tanks

Makes the stairs visible on the map with Fitwit on your team

El Dorado (エルドラド) El Dorago from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get El Dorago from Clu-T-facts

Fighters' STR ↑↑↑

El Dorago sees stairs

1.90x boost to STR for Fighters

Makes the stairs visible on the map with El Dorago on your team

Narcissist (ナルシスト) Narcissus II from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Narcissus II from Clu-T-facts

Rangers' SPR ↑↑↑

Narcissus II sees stairs and friend rate ↑

1.90x boost to SPR for Rangers

Makes the stairs visible on the map with Narcissus II on your team

???x higher chance to trigger a Friend Chance with Narcissus II on your team

Madame (マダム) Mademoaiselle from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Mademoaiselle from Clu-T-facts

Healers' HP ↑↑↑

Mademoaiselle sees stairs and item rate ↑

1.90x boost to HP for Healers

Makes the stairs visible on the map with Mademoaiselle on your team

???x higher chance to find items with Mademoaiselle on your team

Stone (ストーン) Rosetta Stone from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Rosetta Stone from Clu-T-facts

Tanks' HP ↑↑↑

Rosetta Stone sees stairs and the Soul Meter charges faster

1.90x boost to HP for Tanks

Makes the stairs visible on the map with Rosetta Stone on your team

The Soul Meter charges ???x faster with Rosetta Stone on your team

Hallowed (だいひほう) Yodelsen from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Yodelsen from Clu-T-facts

Rangers' HP ↑↑↑

Yodelsen sees everything and can't be trapped

1.90x boost to HP for Rangers

Makes everything visible on the map with Yodelsen on your team

Can't be hit by traps with Yodelsen on your team

Dark Sword (ドエス) Doescalibur from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Doescalibur from Clu-T-facts

Rangers' STR ↑↑↑

Doescalibur sees stairs and increases the critical rate

1.90x boost to STR for Rangers

Makes the stairs visible on the map with Doescalibur on your team

???x higher chance to land a critical hit with Doescalibur on your team

Sketchy (おおざっぱ) Zappadokia from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Zappadokia from Clu-T-facts

Fighters' DEF ↑↑↑

Zappadokia sees stairs and can't be hit by critical hits

1.90x boost to DEF for Fighters

Makes the stairs visible on the map with Zappadokia on your team

Can't get hit by any critical hits with Zappadokia on your team

Sunplated (あまてらす) Armorterasu from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Armorterasu from Clu-T-facts

Healers' DEF ↑↑↑

Armorterasu can see everything

1.90x boost to DEF for Healers

Makes everything visible on the map with Armorterasu on your team

Showstopper (アンコール) Encore Dead from Clu-T-facts ↑

5.8x higher chance to get Encore Dead from Clu-T-facts

Tanks' STR ↑↑↑

Encore Dead sees stairs and all allies revive if KO'd

1.90x boost to STR for Tanks

Makes the stairs visible on the map with Encore Dead on your team

All allies are revived if they're all KO'd once with Encore Dead on your team

Legendary (でんせつ) Opens "Legendary Labyrinth" All Legendary Yo-kai stats ↑↑

1.42x boost to all stats of Legendary Yo-kai

Star Spangled (メリケン) Opens "Star Spangled Labyrinth" All 'Merican Legend. Yo-kai stats ↑↑

1.42x boost to all stats of 'Merican Legendary Yo-kai

Mystery (ミステリー) Opens "Mystery Labyrinth" All Mystery Legend. Yo-kai stats ↑↑

1.42x boost to all stats of Mystery Legendary Yo-kai

Crystal (クリスタル) Crystal Shogunyan from Clu-T-facts ↑

20,001x higher chance to get Crystal Shogunyan from Clu-T-facts

All cat Yo-kai stats ↑↑↑

1.76x boost to all stats of cat Yo-kai

Adventurer (ぼうけん) Opens "Adventurer Labyrinth" Everything is visible

Damage from traps ↓

Boxing (ガンマン) Opens "Boxing Labyrinth" マグナムのためを短縮(たんしゅく)

Befriends the first enemy you defeat

Swordsman's (けんごう) Opens "Swordsman's Labyrinth" (チェーン)ソードのためを短縮(たんしゅく) (ざん)(げき)とラッシュ追加(ついか)

SPD ↑   DEF ↓

Sniper's (ねらいうち) Opens "Sniper's Labyrinth" スナイパーのためを短縮(たんしゅく)

Magic bullets for Sniper added

SPR ↑↑

Valorous (ゆうき) Opens "Valorous Labyrinth" Damage to Clubes ↑

1.5x more damage to Clubes

Shadow (シャドウ) Opens "Shadow Labyrinth" Befriends the first enemy you defeat

Makes the first enemy you defeat trigger a Friend Chance

Easygoing (ささやか) Opens "Easygoing Labyrinth" Get a Battle Item every 30 sec.

Drops a Battle Item every 30 seconds

Avaricious (よくばり) Opens "Avaricious Labyrinth" Bad items during Banquet Room game ↓
Good Fortune (こううん) Opens "Good Fortune Labyrinth" Occasionally dodge enemy attacks

1.05x higher chance to dodge incoming attacks

Hunter's (ハンター) Opens "Hunter's Labyrinth" トレジャーギアのためを短縮(たんしゅく)

Can see everything

Damage from traps ↓

Sagacious (けんじゃ) Opens "Sagacious Labyrinth" Meters for hold moves decrease slower

Move Meters for Hold-type moves decrease 1.15x slower

Heroic (ゆうしゃ) Opens "Heroic Labyrinth" Move Meters charge faster

Move Meters charge 2x faster

Sighborg (やまだ) Opens "Sighborg Labyrinth" Time limit for each floor ↑

Adds 60 seconds to the timer on each floor

Cheeky (おなら) Opens "Cheeky Labyrinth" Soul Meter charge speed ↑

Soul Meters charge 1.5x faster

Cursed (のろい) Opens "Cursed Labyrinth" Poison doesn't heal, but all stats ↑↑↑

Ascension speed ↑

Lordly (てんくう) Opens "Lordly Labyrinth" Chance to get trapped ↓

Stamina loss ↓

SPD becomes Fast

Miracle (きせき) Opens "Miracle Labyrinth" Revives all allies, when all are down
Terrestrial (だいち) Opens "Terrestrial Labyrinth" Can't be affected by bad Inspirits

Good Inspirit time ↑

Brave (いさまし) Opens "Brave Labyrinth" All Brave Yo-kai stats ↑

1.35x boost to all stats of Brave Tribe Yo-kai

Mysterious (ふしぎ) Opens "Mysterious Labyrinth" All Mysterious Yo-kai stats ↑

1.35x boost to all stats of Mysterious Tribe Yo-kai

Tough (ごーけつ) Opens "Tough Labyrinth" All Tough Yo-kai stats ↑

1.35x boost to all stats of Tough Tribe Yo-kai

Charming (ぷりちー) Opens "Charming Labyrinth" All Charming Yo-kai stats ↑

1.35x boost to all stats of Charming Tribe Yo-kai

Heartful (ぽかぽか) Opens "Heartful Labyrinth" All Heartful Yo-kai stats ↑

1.35x boost to all stats of Heartful Tribe Yo-kai

Shady (うすらかげ) Opens "Shady Labyrinth" All Shady Yo-kai stats ↑

1.35x boost to all stats of Shady Tribe Yo-kai

Eerie (ぶきみー) Opens "Eerie Labyrinth" All Eerie Yo-kai stats ↑

1.35x boost to all stats of Eerie Tribe Yo-kai

Slippery (にょろろん) Opens "Slippery Labyrinth" All Slippery Yo-kai stats ↑

1.35x boost to all stats of Slippery Tribe Yo-kai

Power (ちから) Opens "Power Labyrinth" STR ↑↑↑

DEF ↓↓

1.92x boost to STR

1.66x decrease to DEF

Knowledge (ちえ) Opens "Knowledge Labyrinth" SPR ↑↑↑

DEF ↓↓

1.92x boost to SPR

1.66x decrease to DEF

Auspicious (めでたい) Opens "Auspicious Labyrinth" Critical hits occur more often

1.20x higher chance to land a critical hit

Ordinary (へいぼん) Opens "Ordinary Labyrinth" STR ↑


1.44x boost to STR

2x boost to DEF

Sealed (ふういん) Opens "Sealed Labyrinth" SPR ↑

HP ↑

1.44x boost to SPR

1.44x boost to HP